Extraordinary houses around the world: an unusual trip

From a house built on the structure of a Boeing 747 to a practically invisible refuge in the Swiss Alps, this television series invites us to travel the world and discover unusual homes.


To visit unconventional houses in challenging places, is the challenge assumed by the conductor and renowned English architect Piers Taylor who, next to the actress Caroline Quentin, is given the task of exploring sites out of the ordinary around the world in the series The world's most extraordinary homes produced by the BBC in London.

Each episode leads us through a different architecture, which combines the understanding of the environment, the vision and economic capacity of the clients, with the technical and design challenges assumed by the construction professionals. The result "… is architecturally fascinating madness" comments Piers.

It is, in short, a visually impeccable series, which invites reflection on the existence of other ways of thinking and living the house, concepts that are supported by different project techniques to produce domestic spaces far removed to a greater or lesser extent, from the preconceived idea we have of a home.

The first season is now available on Netflix, and consists of 4 episodes that group the visited houses according to their immediate environment: Mountain, Forest, Coast and Underground.  No doubt you have to see to believe, although with these houses, the phrase believe to see, may have more meaning.

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