MARQ - Gerencia proyectos portada - copiar

We are accustomed to work with rigorous standards as the PMBOK and the BIM methodology

We are accustomed to work with rigorous standards as the PMBOK and the BIM methodology

We are accustomed to work with rigorous standards as the PMBOK and the BIM methodology




flecha MARQ-10

We are experts in project management, MARQ is a company accustomed to work with them standards of project management of more rigorous as the PMBOK and the methodology BIM, in all the phases of the cycle of life of them projects: planning, execution, monitoring and Control, closing, delivery and discharge.

This work culture allows us to deliver the expected results and generally, more of what our customers expect. The way in which we deliver on this promise is through the use of a system of assurance of quality in all our processes, monitored by an internal Committee of quality.

Them reaches specific of our service of project management include:

  • Coordination of planners, designers, managers, DRO, stewards, consultants; review and reconciliation of scope and deliverables
  • Review and control of changes and modifications to those projects and designs
  • Review of Executive projects
  • Control of paperwork for licences, permits and services public
  • Establishment of systems of communication between the participants of the project and construction
  • Parametric budgeting
  • Preparation of budget base (catalogue of concepts, quantification, analysis of prices, costing of inputs)
  • Coordination and modeling projects with methodology BIM, identification of missing of projects, inconsistencies between disciplines and interference detection
  • The catalog of accounts for project design
  • Determination of the sequence logic of activities and duration of activities, definition of strategies and logistics of construction
  • Development of work schedules, supplies and determination of critical path programs
  • Organization, analysis and qualification of contest general of work and contests partial, preparation of records of reception, comparative of proposed, adjudica
  • cionesPropuestas of models and schemes of recruitment to builders, control of Contr
  • atosingenieria of costs, search of alternatives to the project in benefit of the
  • ClienteControl budget and of c
  • ostosControl of engagements and of
  • pagosControl of them volumes and amounts of
  • obraControl of flow finan
  • cieroEstablecimiento , management and closure of bl
  • ogs of Obrarecepcion’s work, delivery records, estimates of settlement, State financiero
  • Juntas Executive obraJuntas
  • with the Clienteelaboracion of
  • manuals for operation and Mantenimientoelaboracio
  • n of minutes of Controlelaboraci
  • on of Executive reports to the client and project

Toluca Train – Mexico
Toluca Train – Mexico
City of Mexico
General Hospital of Zona Nogales
General Hospital of Zona Nogales
Management of projects
UNITEC Zapopan
UNITEC Zapopan
Management of projects

Learn about our services:

Project Supervision