SEDATU and CONAVI: national sustainable housing 2017-2018 strategy
The Ministry of Territorial Development and urban (SEDATU) in conjunction with the Comisión Nacional de Vivienda (CONAVI), began the national strategy of sustainable housing, to be developed through a cross table of operations.
In this regard, the Undersecretary of urban development and housing of the SEDATU, Juan Carlos Lastiri, commented: "we want to join forces, give integrality and heading to the sector as well as to establish commitments with all the actors involved in this activity, in order to achieve the objectives and goals".
One of the main objectives of this work in common, is to advance the existing requirements in connection with the operation of the program of access to funding for housing solutions for the 2018.
According to the information of the SEDATU, various topics will touch on your calendar:
- Define and implement the national strategy of sustainable housing.
- Approved application for sustainable housing criteria.
- Use of simulation and coordination tools with the maintenance Committee for the SiSeViVe.
- And many more.
Finally, came to be known that this working table will be composed of a coordinating group, formed from representatives of various organizations, including: Federal mortgage society, Fovissste, Infonavit, CMIC, CONUEE and FIDE, SEDATU, CONAVI and CANADEVI.
By Arwin Mendoza.