The roads of the future are solar

Solar roads are already being built and used in various countries and represent a significant transition to the daily use of renewable energies.


The participation of photovoltaic energy in everyday life is already a fact.  Be it in the form of solar panels, or as in this case, being part of roads that not only generate energy for its lighting, signs, etc. But they can supply entire populations.

These prefabricated slabs are composed of concrete modules with a top layer of 1 cm thick tempered glass. Below it are crystalline silicon solar cells, sensors and a concrete base. According to its manufacturers, this type of solar panels are specially designed to withstand the weight of any vehicle, including that of trucks, and to guarantee the adhesion of the tyres.

France was the pioneer country in the use of this technology, opening in 2016, a one-kilometer stretch on a local track in Normandy, northwest of the country.  However, on that occasion it was criticized by various environmental organizations that considered its cost − 5 million euros −, exorbitant for the amount of energy it could produce.

At present, these costs have been reduced, and according to the company Solaroad, in just five years, they can have a similar price to conventional roads. In addition to considering energy savings, the solar pathways will be amortized in 10 or 15 years.

China is another country that adds to the use of solar roads, announcing recently that for the year 2022 will have its first solar superhighway. This will allow automatic loading of electric vehicles that circulate for the 161 kilometers that will unite the cities of Hangzhou and Ningbo, in the east of the country. Another novelty is that the cars will not have to stop to pay the tolls, because the amount will be paid automatically through a chip installed on them.

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